Wednesday, February 2, 2011

In Arizona Planning...

by Zach (Flagstaff, AZ)
So, planning a big adventure like this takes a lot of work. Especially when you have to pack everything you think you will need into what you can carry on your back. And as if that's not enough, we really have no idea what is awaiting us when we touch down in Medellin. As of now I have a stack of things in the corner of my bedroom that will fill about half of my bag. Here is a list of almost all that will fit in my bag:
1 t-shirt
1 sweater
2 pairs of underwear
2 pars of socks
1 pair of pants
Camping towel
Sleeping bag
Water bottle
Stocking hat
Nook full of books
Travel documents
Hygiene products
This will fill up most of my bag. There will also be the video equipment and tent which we will distribute between the three of us. And I will have stuff in my pockets. I hope to have an exact list of every item we will bring made up soon. As of now it's late and my 7 am LAP (La Aventura Project) funding project (i.e. my lame-ass job) awaits me so stay tuned for more updates, and word on when the trailer will be posted!

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